Interreg Euro-MED - URWAN

Welcome to URWANUrban Regenerative Water Avant-garde(N). 

The URWAN project is a pioneering initiative co-funded by the European Union through the INTERREG Euro-Med programme. Our mission is to showcase innovative solutions for adapting to climate change and addressing water scarcity through a participatory, nature-based approach. By engaging with local stakeholders and implementing multifunctional strategies that integrate sustainability, aesthetics, and social impact, URWAN aims to redefine urban water management. Our partnership brings together 9 leading organizations from 7 different countries: 3 in Italy, 1 in Portugal, 1 in Spain, 1 in Slovenia, 1 in Cyprus, 1 in Malta, and 1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Together, we are committed to demonstrating the transformative potential of collaborative action in building resilient and sustainable urban environments. Join us on this journey as we explore innovative ways to harness the power of nature and collective action to address pressing environmental challenges.

Introductory Project Video

This introductory video (1′), created in January 2025, presents the URWAN project, which leverages Nature-based-Solutions (NbS) to tackle climate challenges. Discover how we transform public buildings into sustainable hubs and promote more resilient communities.

This introductory video (3′), created in October 2024, highlights the partners of the URWAN project, united by a shared mission: integrating Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to address climate challenges in the Mediterranean. Meet the key players behind this initiative, bringing together researchers, public institutions, and local communities from seven countries. Together, we are building a greener and more resilient future for Mediterranean cities.


URWAN is led by ANCI Lazio, the Association of municipalities in the Lazio region of Italy. The project is structured around 4 comprehensive Work packages: WP1) Harmonize knowledge on nature base solutions (NBS); WP2 Jointly developed experimental solutions for climate change adaptation of urban areas; WP3) Co-designing processes for planning and investing in multifunctional NBSs for the urban regeneration; and WP4) the URWAN Amplification Strategy.

Through close collaboration with our project partners and pilot interventions, URWAN will integrate project results by promoting the replication of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), supporting local communities and companies in adopting NBS practices, and mainstreaming project outcomes at broader institutional and geographical levels.

Join us in advancing urban resilience and climate change mitigation through innovative nature-based solutions!





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Project duration (in month)

K€ Interreg Funds