
  • Green Living Areas
  • Innovative Sustainable Economy
  • Project

Site visit in Sarajevo: the key role of Kassandra in the URWAN Project


Representatives from Kassandra recently completed an inspiring site visit to Sarajevo as part of the URWAN project! This visit provided an opportunity to engage directly with local authorities, key stakeholders, and community members who are essential to the project’s success.

During the meetings, the Kassandra team discussed the implementation of their Integrated Decision Support System (IDSS) for parts of Sarajevo, including the historic Old Town. This tool will be crucial in integrating nature-based solutions into urban planning, preserving the city’s rich cultural heritage while enhancing resilience to environmental challenges. Kassandra will play a central role not only in Sarajevo but also in the cities of Ptuj and Ferla, broadening the impact of the URWAN project.

The visit reaffirmed the importance of strong, localized partnerships in achieving meaningful impact.

Collaborations like these will shape the future urban landscapes of Sarajevo, Ptuj and Ferla within the URWAN project!